Support that makes a world of difference
Your support not only helps the one in six Australians affected by brain disease, but millions worldwide.
In 60% of patients with brain tumours, the disease is incurable, with the average life expectancy being less than one year despite the best available treatments.
To support the ground-breaking brain and neurological research conducted by our network of more than 100 leading neuroscience experts, clinicians and research staff each year, we rely on the support of our partners, sponsors and donors whose unwavering generosity and commitment helps drive our pioneering spirit.
It can’t be underestimated how vital your financial support is for combatting some of the world’s most insidious diseases and for improving the lives of those impacted.
“I donate because of my personal experience and to support the amazing work you're doing. Not only to provide scholarships, but also to increase technology, keep things cutting edge and talk to everyday people, sharing the narrative of the work that you're actually doing.”
Patient Story
Rachael Woodhams

Rachael sadly lost her life to brain cancer in 2014, at age 19.
In her honour, Rachael’s family and friends have been donating to the Foundation ever since, raising an incredible $25,000 so far for brain disease research.
“Far too often we lose extraordinary young people to brain cancer. Rachael was one. She had so much to give as a daughter, friend, student and future counsellor. She never got to be a mum or a wife or develop her career. Brain cancer takes so much from us. The work for an urgently needed cure continues thanks to families like Rachael’s.”
Support us
Please use the adjacent online donation form.
Bank transfer, cheque or credit card
Please download and complete the donation form.
Donation envelopes
To request donation envelopes for an event, please contact us.
Where your support goes
Thank you for supporting brain disease research and for improving the lives of those patients and families impacted. Your generous donation enables us to:
Other ways to support

$25 = Hospital parking pass for a trial patient
$70 = Safety blood test processing fee
$150 = Trial medication dispensing fee
$350 = MRI brain scan
$500 = Research nurse for a day

Donating to support brain disease research is a heartfelt gesture to thank your guests or to remember a loved one on your special day. We can assist you with lapel pins or bonbonniere / wedding favours for your event.

Giving a gift in memory of your loved one, friend or relative who has died from a brain disease, is a meaningful way to honour their life. We can provide you donation envelopes for their memorial service.

Leaving a gift to us ensures your wish is honoured and your legacy endures. Your generosity enables future generations to benefit from our research. In preparing your will, your solicitor will need our ABN 25 741 608 900 and our registered name The Trustee for Royal Melbourne Hospital Neuroscience Foundation.

Giving from pre-tax income means donations cost you less, your taxable income is reduced and we receive the full benefit of your donation. If your organisation doesn’t have a workplace giving program, contact your human resource or accounts team and nominate us as a charity partner.

Celebrate a loved one’s survivorship, a special occasion – birthday, anniversary, wedding – or recognise the courage of a friend or relative who is bravely fighting a brain disease. To create a personalised online donation page, please see our Fundraise page.