effect overlay
Brain Tumour/Neurosurgery

A prospective study of language function following surgical resection of left hemisphere primary brain tumours

HREC: 2015.057
Principal Investigator: Prof Kate Drummond
Coordinator contact:
Funding: Non-Commercial
Brain Tumour/Neurosurgery
Unruptured aneurysms in the elderly

Conservative management of unruptured aneurysms in the elderly: A prospective audit

HREC: 2018.129
Principal Investigator: Dr Alexios Adamides
Coordinator contact:
Funding: Non-Commercial
Brain Tumour/Neurosurgery
Brain cancer survivorship - Phase 1

Responding to need: technology-enhanced brain cancer survivorship – Phase 1

HREC: 2021.212
Principal Investigator: Prof Kate Drummond
Coordinator contact: Dr Verena Schadewaldt
Funding: Non-Commercial
Brain Tumour/Neurosurgery
IDH1 Mutated Low Grade Glioma

A Phase 0/2 Study of AB-218 in Patients with IDH1 Mutated Low Grade Glioma

HREC: 2022.003
Principal Investigator: Prof Kate Drummond
Coordinator contact:
Funding: Non-Commercial
Brain Tumour/Neurosurgery
BrainPOP: The Brain Perioperative Platform

An adaptive, multi-domain platform of comprehensive translational and feasibility research to study the biology of brain and other central nervous system (CNS) cancers

HREC: 2022.220
Principal Investigator: Prof Kate Drummond
Coordinator contact: Dr Jordan Jones
Funding: Non-Commercial