Pioneering solutions to save and improve lives
Research is critical to combatting brain disease and improving the lives of those impacted, today and in the future.
Conducted by The Royal Melbourne Hospital’s Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, the active research programs and clinical trials supported by the Foundation cover an extensive breadth of neurological conditions.
Patients wishing to participate are encouraged to view the relevant trial and contact the trial co-ordinator for more information.
Sponsors wishing to support clinical trials should contact the Foundation on +61 3 9342 8447 or email

The Biomarker Research in StroKe (BRISK) Registry

Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit (MSU) Implementation Program Evaluation including Cost-Effectiveness

Modafinil in Debilitating fatigue After Stroke 2(MIDAS2): A Phase ll, Multicentre, Prospective, Randomised, Placebo-controlled, Double-Blind, Parallel group with an adaptive sample size re-estimation study in Stroke Survivors

Post-Reperfusion Pathophysiology in Acute Ischemic Stroke

Role of the geneTics in Post thrombolysis pAtients (RTPA); Targeting Optimal Thrombolysis Outcomes (TOTO)